How to Optimize the Use of Mother’s Own Milk in the NICU
In the NICU, mother’s breast milk is medicine for very premature infants. Mother’s breast milk has a multitude of nutritional and immune properties that protect against many devastating infections, including necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).
2023 NEC Symposium
The NEC Symposium brought together 200 participants from 9 countries and 35 US states to advance research and quality care. Together, we are building a WORLD WITHOUT NEC.
10 Things for Bereaved Parents to Know
Created by bereaved parents for bereaved parents. What we wish someone had told us when our baby passed away from NEC.
10 Things All Parents of NICU Babies Need To Know
Created by parents of NICU babies impacted by NEC: what we wish we had known from day one in the NICU.
I Gave My Baby Breast Milk. Why Did She Develop NEC?
This story challenges the assumption that breast milk alone prevents NEC. It highlights the complexities of NEC, emphasizing the need for more research and understanding around its causes and risk factors.
9 Things You Need to Know About Necrotizing Enterocolitis
When my son Micah was six weeks old, I thought he had overcome his fiercest battles that are common to babies born at 27 weeks gestation.
2021 NEC Symposium- Virtual Sessions
The NEC Society presented the 2021 NEC Virtual Sessions in partnership with Cincinnati Children’s and attracted 300 diverse stakeholders from 16 countries and 40 US states! You can help us build a world without necrotizing enterocolitis by visiting
2019 NEC Symposium- University of Michigan.
The NEC Society presented the NEC Symposium in Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 2 – 5, 2019 with generous support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), National Institute of Child and Human Development (NICHD), and Section of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Michigan.
2017 NEC Symposium- University of California Davis
The NEC Symposium at UC Davis, entitled “A Transdisciplinary Approach to Improved Outcomes”, was held in April 2017. The Symposium was the first meeting in North America to focus specifically on improved outcomes of necrotizing enterocolitis.